RGB line scan camera uniScanRGB
RGB line scan camera uniScanRGB

The RGB line scan camera uniScanRGB is suitable for color machine vision applications. The camera is based on newest CMOS chip technology. The high sensitivity CMOS sensor is characterised by:
■ Minimised noise level
■ High image contrast
■ Low power consumption

Synchronisation problems, which cause blooming effects or image artefacts in common trilinear sensors, do not occur due to the usage of CMOS technology.

The high effective resolution of 2048 tracks combined with a digital resolution of 12 bit and a full frame rate of 260 Hz to 850 Hz provide an outstanding performance of uniScanRGB. Even smallest objects are scanned in detail at high frame rates, enabling the usage of uniScanRGB in sorting and screening applications requiring both: high resolution and high speed. The RGB line scan camera is equipped with an industrial proof RGB objective lens and integrated into an IP 65 rated housing, enabling maintenance-free 24h/7d operation. Several binning modes for the combination of the RGB line scan camera with hyperspectral cameras  or  are available. The dynamic range is then increased to 16 bit, enabling a better performance at unfavourable lighting conditions. 

Included in delivery is a preconfigured industrial PC with camera control and analysis software. The analysis software can be customised for specific tasks including sorting and monitoring applications. Prior to data evalsuation, the software transfers the RGB data automatically into the user-friendly . The analysis result is sent to an external process control unit (e.g. SPS control) via standard Gigabit Ethernet interface in real-time. In addition to the type code, the HSV information is available as well. 

Possible Applications:
■ Color sorting of material streams,
■ Surface inspection of natural materials,
■ Monitoring,
■ Scanning

Technical specification uniScanRGB

RGB Line scan camera with Stand-alone KUSTA1.9MSI / uniSPEC1.9HSI KUSTA1.7/2.2MSI / uniSPEC1.7/2.2HSI
Camera type CMOS, max. 2048 RGB pattern
Measurement tracks adapted to 2048 192 320
RGB pixel size 10 µm 50 µm 30 µm
Full frame rate 260 Hz — 830 Hz
Digital resolution 12 bit 16 bit 15 bit
Objective lens 10 mm / F1.9 — 16 (standard setup)
50 mm / F2.8 — 16 (small FOV setup)
Field of view (FOV) 800 mm — 2000 mm (standard setup)
100 mm (small FOV setup)
Process interface 1 Gigabit Ethernet
Power supply 24 V DC / 2.5 A
Environmental operating temperature range 0 °C up to +50 °C
Weight 2.2 kg
Dimensions (LxWxH) 170 mm x 131 mm x 129 mm

RGB Line scan camera in combination with NIR hyperspectral camera

Equipment for process RGB - setup

The RGB line scan camera uniScanRGB can be additionally equipped with:

■ Illumination unit PMAmsi,
■ Installation bridge,
■ Automatic calibration unit CUa

More details can be found .

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